Since 2006

The Accounting Excellence Awards have been recognising the best the accounting profession has to offer.

Who are we?

The Accounting Excellence Awards covers 21 categories that recognise the achievements of accounting firms, individuals, teams and projects from across the UK accounting profession. The longest-running awards evening in the profession, it’s recognised by the profession as the biggest accolade in the market.

What it’s all about

The awards night

The awards night for the Accounting Excellence Awards is always a grand occasion – this year it is taking place on the 8th of October at The Roundhouse in London. This prestigious event brings together the brightest stars in the accounting profession, celebrating their achievements and contributions to the field in a spectacular setting renowned for its history and ambience.

Become a sponsor

Becoming a sponsor for the Accounting Excellence Awards offers unique opportunities to elevate your brand within the UK’s accounting community. Sponsors gain access to a platform showcasing their support for excellence and innovation in the field, alongside networking opportunities with industry leaders and decision-makers. It’s a night not to be missed, and a marketing opportunity worth exploring.

What people are saying

“The Accounting Excellence Awards are as prestigious as it comes. It’s a massive accolade for the team who have worked so, so hard throughout the year.”

“For accountants like us, it’s the pinnacle. To achieve a national award such as this, against such great competition and amongst such great company, there’s nothing like it.”

“Each year, the event scales new heights, and while the awards are the shiny trophies we all admire, it’s the infectious energy, spontaneous laughter, and camaraderie that truly steal the show!”

“This awards means everything. It’s amazing to be officially recognised for everything we do at the biggest event in the calendar.”

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Discover unparalleled opportunities to elevate your brand within the UK's accounting community. As a sponsor, you'll not only showcase your support for innovation and excellence but also connect with industry leaders and key decision-makers at one of the most prestigious events in the accounting calendar.